Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mission 2011 #1: Lose Weight

My roommate and I are on a mission to lose weight. This time, it's going to be different. We have been exercising every morning and we seem to be on a very COHESIVE track! Whatever our crazy schedules have been lately, we have been able to find time to actually work out together!

So, I have been working out for a while! I have been going on strong now (almost everyday) for 5 weeks. :) So excited. However, I only started doing P90X for a week. This is because I was so out of shape that I had to work up my endurance to even keep up with Tony Horton, my new best friend!

Well, I don't seem to have lost any weight, but my roommate thinks it's being converted to muscle. We'll see. But my nutrition regime hasn't been all that strict either. Since I've been working out so much, I have to makeup for the lack of energy somehow (hint: through eating more food).

I would love to be thin! But I'm sure that is impossible in the near future. However, what I really want is for my goblet figure to look like it's proportionate. That's all I ask for!

Oh yeah! This reminded me that I have to text my brother. When I first started P90X, I told him that I was progressing quite well. Like the clique sibling, he told me that I was gonna quit in a week. I told him that I would text him in a week just to tell him that I was still doing P90X. HA! In your face! Will text him as soon as I wake up! :)

Smile everyone!