Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Flyleaf Concert/Geisha-inspired makeup

I went to a Flyleaf concert this past weekend.  I decided to do some geisha-inspired makeup.  Here are pictures.  :)  I had so much fun, even though my ears suffered a bit.  They are fine now!  My sister thinks I look scary.  What do you think? I told her that for the record, if geishas are not in full costume, they will look scary too.

I was really excited because most of the makeup stayed on afterwards.  :)


Unknown said...

Cute! We should go to the club with this look! With some Geisha huichi modified clothing.

Hehe...ml senior.

My Favorite Things said...

Aplysia Oceanographer (AO), I still don't get why you decided to go in Geisha make up. None of friends looked like they did anything special to go to the concert. I guess.

Kia Vue, you and AO can go to the club looking like this. I'm sure our other ML sister will NOT agree to looking like this at the club. I'm with her on this.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

MFT, I don't actually need anybody to do anything with me. I can do things on my own, I'm a big girl. I wanted to use my white makeup. Why not? I found and excuse and went with it. I don't mind being the odd one out; in fact, I welcome it.

Kia, I will def go to the club with this look. :) I'm down.

My Favorite Things said...

AO, I'm responding to Kia Vue. You two should have fun in full Geisha make up. I'm sure our other sister and I will not be joining you two, but we can all go clubbing together.