Saturday, May 8, 2010

Manuscript Writing

Okay, I'm actually suppose to be working on my manuscript, which I am but currently taking a small break, so I'm going to have to keep this as short as possible.

Well, what I wanted to say was: 'Writing a manuscript is HARD."

Dang. Who fricking knew. Gosh, here I am feeling like I'm finally done, but it's not. Someone always has a really good point why I should elaborate on something, which sucks for me. And then, as i go over it again, I'm just not confident in the paper anymore because I find little mistakes and errors. Which gets you pondering, "Where else are all these little buggers!?"

Aside from that, I'm not confident in my writing either, which I don't always understand, but can see why.

Well, this is all for now. (I promised myself to keep it short).


Barney said...

What was the outcome of the manuscript writing? Did you find all the little buggers?

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Yes and no. I dunno. My _____ fucken sucks balls!