Friday, June 18, 2010

Flowers from My (OUR) Garden

Here's a flower from my garden. Actually, it's my roommate's garden. They are currently away right now, so I'm taking care of all their plants for them.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We are the Fallen - Tear the World Down

This album (Tear Down the World) was released by We are the Fallen (former members of Evanescence + Carly Smithson) really captures the sound of the first album of Evanescence (Fallen). I don't really care what people say about this group. They really do sound awesome. I already bought the album and you should go and buy it also. I strongly recommend it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Evanescence. They have great music! But so does We are the Fallen.

Everyone thinks that Amy Lee and Ben Moody writes better together. And I would have to agree, they do write better music together. But realistically, they are never going to get back together to do an album, let alone be in the same room together. They HATE each other's guts! But that's another story/drama that I'm not going to get into.

I kinda like them apart. We get double the music from the same creators of the same genre. A double-whammy!

Do enjoy their music. It's good stuff.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sock Monkeys :)

They are so adorable. So one of my new hobbies is making sock monkeys. I didn’t know that people actually liked them. Weird, huh? I mean, I really didn’t think they would be a hit, but they are. I have all these requests from all these people that I never knew. LOL that’s a lie. But the previous part wasn’t. I just think it’s funny, or a funny outcome from people’s reaction.

The picture posted with this blog is a picture of some of the sock monkeys I made for my friend(s). I really think that the black/orange one is ugly, but my bf insists that it's cute. So he officially made it his, with or without my consent.

It all started when I made one for my teacher. Of course, no one saw it until we went to her house for a party. Being the person that I am, I showed it to everyone and they loved it! Now, everyone wants one, which I really don’t mind. I don’t mind making them for my friends. But they do take a lot out of you. Just a few more to go.

Now that I think about it, I don’t even have a sock monkey of my own. All the sock monkeys that I have made, I gave them all away. I only have a pig-rabbit, but my sister made that one for me. (She was the one who introduced me to sock monkeys). I don’t have a single one to myself. I think I’m going to keep it that way for a while.

My boyfriend thinks that I should start selling them on ebay or something for profit. But I obviously told him NO! He just didn’t understand why I said no.