Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We are the Fallen - Tear the World Down

This album (Tear Down the World) was released by We are the Fallen (former members of Evanescence + Carly Smithson) really captures the sound of the first album of Evanescence (Fallen). I don't really care what people say about this group. They really do sound awesome. I already bought the album and you should go and buy it also. I strongly recommend it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Evanescence. They have great music! But so does We are the Fallen.

Everyone thinks that Amy Lee and Ben Moody writes better together. And I would have to agree, they do write better music together. But realistically, they are never going to get back together to do an album, let alone be in the same room together. They HATE each other's guts! But that's another story/drama that I'm not going to get into.

I kinda like them apart. We get double the music from the same creators of the same genre. A double-whammy!

Do enjoy their music. It's good stuff.


Barney said...

After reading your blog. Since you were so excited about this new album. I decided to check it out and purchase the album through iTunes. I have to say the album is really good. The song that speaks to me is "sleep Well, My Angel", what a awesome song --IMO.

Barney said...

I notice your profile says your favorite music is country. How did you come across this group? BTW, what is your favorite country group/artist? Just wondering?

Barney said...

If you had to pick one song from each of the two albums, what song would you choose as your favorite and why?

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Hey Barney. I'm glad you liked the album! I do like country but there's a lot of other things i like also. I really like gothic rock and all those other kinds of stuff.

my favorite is from this album is I am only one.