Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hot Chili Peppers

I am almost out of chili peppers.  I am currently on my last bag right now. 
Last year, when my BF and I came to Houston, we bought some peppers and we were very dissapointed.   The peppers were not spicy at all and we were really sad.  So, I went home to California, I got some from my parent's farm.  It has already been a whole year!  We are almost out if it.  I haive a friend from Oregon that is happy to send me some from his family's farm.  I am a bit excited to taste his peppers.  We'll see if it ever comes through because everyone is SOOO busy!


My Favorite Things said...

Oh no! You're on your last bag. Oh no! Yes, I know how you feel about buying peppers that turn out to be not so hot. Feels like a big waste of money.

Anonymous said...

Did your friend from Oregon ever send you some chili pepper? How was it? Was it as hot as your mothers pepper? I like spicy too... --Pepper

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Dear Pepper,

Yes, I did. I loved them. they were great. Not as hot as I would have wanted them to be, but none the less, they were great. We already finished them all. :)
