Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I am so glad to be finally able to write something in here.  As you can see, my last post was in September.  Well, from that time to December, I had to study for my qualifying exam.  For 2 straight months, all I did was study my little butt off.  Even my sisters were wondering why I haven't called.  I guess it paid off because I actually passed!  I didn't quite believe it when they told me and I think I almost cried.  But after a while (weeks), I was ecstatic!  I still can't believe it.  However, one downfall of passing my exam is that I gained a little bit too much weight. :(  So now, I have to go back to healthy eating.  So recently (yesterday) I bought a digital food scale to measure my food.  I am so excited.  Obviously, I am broke right now (like always), so I had my boyfriend buy it for me.  :)  I will update all on my progress as soon as I actually get some real numbers.
Digital Glass Kitchen Scale
I obviously knew already that I needed to lose some weight but I have been putting it off.  Actually, after my quals, I told myself to go and bike everyday.  But I didn't!  It just felt so good sleeping and not studying (or worrying about studying).  So I just did nothing.  However, when I went to California to visit my family, I saw my sister and dang she was hot (both of them)!  A bit jealous, so I know I need to work on it.  I really hate this weather right now.  Rain every fucken day.  I can't even go outside and bike; so sad :(.  My sister suggessted that I should join some biking group so that I can bike with a buddy at least.  As good as the idea was, I told her that it wouldn't work with my schedule because I don't necessarily have a steady schedule.  I actually don't mind biking alone.  I like listening to my music and not having to think about anything. 


My Favorite Things said...

Are you sure the scale will help you? It only works if you actually stick to not eating in excess of what you've already eaten.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Yes, My Favorite Things. It does work. It helps with keeping your portions in check. And I do stick to not eating in excess.