Monday, January 27, 2014

Hmong Embroidery

I'm really sad to have realized lately that the art of Hmong Embroidery is slowly dying off here in the United States.  I refuse to let it die out!  I refuse.  Therefore, I have decided to take up embroidery again.  I have 2 projects for sure that I want to do.  For my first project, I want to make an Hmong inspired outfit that I can wear whenever I want.  For my second project, I want to make a traditional Hmong outfit (maybe more, depending on how quickly I learn).

I talked to my mom today and I told her that I was going to come and visit during the summer.  Therefore, she should expect to teach me how to sew an entire outfit from scratch.  She agreed.  She seemed really ecstatic that one of her daughters actually wanted to learn.

I am currently only doing cross-stitch.  It's not the prettiest, but it is the easiest.  I don't really like colorful colors, so my stuff is going to be a bit dull-looking but that's what I'm aiming for.  A very tribal look with not a lot of colors.


Miriam said...

Go Zer!

My Favorite Things said...

AO, I'm glad you've added more to your plate. We can motivate each other on our respective journeys.