Friday, June 20, 2014

Because of you, There is a Tomorrow

I avidly love listening to Hmong music, especially artists who write and sing their own music.  Here is a song called "Vim Muaj Koj, Muaj Tag Kis" by Maa Vue.  This song translates to "Because of you, There is a tomorrow."  The lyrics just explains about a person in her life that makes her life goes round; thankful to have met him/her and given her strength to go on alone.  Even though they are presently not together, she knows that they will meet again one day.  And she lives on that hope that they can be reunited one day.  Because of that small hope, she lives on until tomorrow, until the day they are reunited.  Something along those lines.  Maa Vue is super talented and I previously posted another song by her.  I hope my sister reads my blog so that she can stumble upon this song.  I wanted to post this for her because I have been opening her up to Hmong music lately and I think she might appreciate this song.

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