Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hmong Song Mania

Here's another Hmong song by the talented Pagnia Xiong.  It's called "Plaub Sab Phab Ntsa," which translates to Four Walls.  This particular song has english subtitles, so if you don't know Hmong, read the english subs.  It's a great song.  I hope my sister reads my blog and stumble upon this song also.  She might like it.  I know I do.

1 comment:

My Favorite Things said...

This song could've done without the first 35 seconds. It has a very Chinese opera feel to it, which is cool. I also think it was written in English, then translated into to Hmong (you know how I feel about that). Otherwise, it's not bad. I have to listen to it a bit more to determine if I'll like it more.