Friday, June 5, 2015


This post is for my sister, since she keeps bothering me about posting stuff.  I originally wanted to shut down this blog but i'm keeping it alive just for her.  SO, woo-hoo!!

I just watched this new show called iZombie.  My BF is a zombie fanatic and he wanted to watch this show.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the kind of thing that he wanted.  He thought it was going to be a more blood and gore type of zombie thing, kinda like walking dead.  It isn't.  But I loved it.  I am already about 5 episodes in.  7 more to go

I love her hair and makeup.  I love the gothic look.  Just can't get over it. 

Please check out the trailer here if you want to know more about it.  I highly recommend the show if you are into crime solving shows with a twist like Medium.

Let me know what you think.  

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hmong Song Mania

Here's another Hmong song by the talented Pagnia Xiong.  It's called "Plaub Sab Phab Ntsa," which translates to Four Walls.  This particular song has english subtitles, so if you don't know Hmong, read the english subs.  It's a great song.  I hope my sister reads my blog and stumble upon this song also.  She might like it.  I know I do.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Little Red Riding Hood

I finished my cape/hood to cosplay Little Red Riding Hood.  I'm really excited how it turned out.  I really love the deep red and am really glad that I chose that color.  I almost got a brighter red, but decided not to because I love going dark.  It just fits me better.  I decided to chose a white lining over a black one because I knew that I was going to be wearing LOTS of black anyways.  If I had the black lining, my clothes will just blend with the cape.  Having a white would accentuate the clothes more and bring it out.  Let me know what you think!  :)

Here is the front:
 Here's the back:

Because of you, There is a Tomorrow

I avidly love listening to Hmong music, especially artists who write and sing their own music.  Here is a song called "Vim Muaj Koj, Muaj Tag Kis" by Maa Vue.  This song translates to "Because of you, There is a tomorrow."  The lyrics just explains about a person in her life that makes her life goes round; thankful to have met him/her and given her strength to go on alone.  Even though they are presently not together, she knows that they will meet again one day.  And she lives on that hope that they can be reunited one day.  Because of that small hope, she lives on until tomorrow, until the day they are reunited.  Something along those lines.  Maa Vue is super talented and I previously posted another song by her.  I hope my sister reads my blog so that she can stumble upon this song.  I wanted to post this for her because I have been opening her up to Hmong music lately and I think she might appreciate this song.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sewing and Craft Endeavors

I have been really busy lately but I wanted to cosplay a few things before I check out permanently.   I can officially cross off Fionna the Human from my list because I had the chance to dress up as her already.  This is a list of what I want to be and/or things that I need to make.  I already have some items that are needed for the outfit, but not yet complete yet.

1) Ringmaster from a circus - I actually bought a crop whip for this outfit.  :)  But I still need a few more items.  But I am super excited.  I just bought some black Stretch fabric that I can use to make short shorts so I'm kinda excited about this project.

2)  Little Red Riding Hood - I am in the process of making this already.  I actually spent most of my night last night making the cape/hood.  It actually turned out really nice.  I didn't finish it because I am waiting for my iron to come so that I can iron the hood to make the lines all crisp.  I will post pictures soon.  I'm really excited because it's almost done!

3) ? Hinata Hyuga from Naruto /Mikasa from Attack on Titan ? - I actually just wanted to cosplay an anime character from a show  I watch.  I don't actually know what to cosplay as right now.  But i do have my Sesshomaru costume that I have never worn.  Maybe I can do a gender bender with that costume.  It's actually too big for me and I would need to make alot of things smaller

4)  Modernized Hmong inspired top.  I don't exactly know how I am going to make this yet.  However, I did get black and light blue stretch fabric to make it.  I just bought the fabric so that I would actually make it.  I'm excited though.  :)

5)  Korean Traditional Clothes: Hanbok - I am going to make my own.  I wanted to make a kimono but I already made one in the past and I left the pattern at home (not here with me).  So I was wondering what I should do.  I remembered how beautiful Korean clothes were and wanted to buy a pair.  However, looking at tutorials online and stuff, it seems relative easy to make it.  Therefore, I am going to make myself my own Hanbok.  So that I can chose the colors I want and stuff.  I'm actually really excited about this project.  I couldn't believe how easy it was to make this outfit myself.  I haven't started making anything yet, but I think I want to shop around a little bit longer.  I just want to do color swatches first before I dive into anything.  I love solid dark colors, but I don't know if I would actually like a brighter color or not.   Since I love dark colors so much.  But bright colors have been slowing creeping up onto my good side lately.  oh well.  more updates later.

Will show pictures as I complete them.  :)  I also made a new rule.  I can't make or continue to another project without completing the previous project first.  For example, I can't make my Korean hanbok before making my little red riding hood costume, since I already bought all the fabric for the project and have them just sitting there.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Comic Convention

I went to a comic convention this weekend and I had so much fun.  My bf and I went as Finn the Human and Fionna the Human from Adventure Time!  We had such a blast.  My outfit had a Zer twist to it.  Somewhat of a lolita inspired look to it, like most of my outfits!  I made all the hats and backpacks and my tutu.  I bought the corset online.  Everything else, I had.  My bf's costume was about $5.00 from the thrift store.  All I had to do was cut and hem the pants into shorts.  Here are pictures below.  Aren't we super cute!  :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Japan Fest 2013

This is for my sister.  Since she always complain that I never post stuff.  Now I'm posting something without her asking me to!
This is what I wore to the Japan Fest 2013.  Lolita clothing ;)  I had so much fun.  Lots of people dressed up, not just me.

The week before the festival, I was so excited to go!  Not for the festival itself, but just to dress up.

I got sunburned but it was somewhat worth it.  I GOT TO DRESS UP!!!

Big thanks to my boyfriend for taking this picture!  :)  Love him lots.