Monday, January 14, 2013


Here we are!  This is the picture I was talking about!  My sexy sisters!  See how I am somehow, always the  big one compared to my sisters.  My other sister (sister #1) decided not to come this year, so she's not in this picture.  But the rest of us are.  Don't we look happy?!?  My sister on the left has had 4 kids and my sister on the right has had 2 kids.  See how great they look.  Looking at them, I realized that they were always good at portion control.  As for me, the temptation always seems so much bigger.  I remember when I was in high school and college, as I pigged out at everything I saw.  My sister was so scared of gaining weight that she would only eat rice with water.  I am pretty sure I have a compulsive eating disorder.  I kinda think it runs in the family However, it's been a week since I've started my weight loss and I think the numbers look good so far!  :)  happy readings. 


Anonymous said...

I think you guys all look sexy in your own way. I was wondering why didn't your sister (#1) decided not to come. Would love see how she look? Is she sexy as you guys? --Chunky

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Dear Chunky,

I don't know why she didn't want to come home and see us. Maybe she was having her own personal problems. But yes, she is sexy.
