Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mumford & Sons Concert Adventure

My friend and I went to a Mumford and Sons concert yesterday.  It really was an adventure.  I had so much fun.  First of all, we didn't have tickets to the show.  What's worse, we have never been to this place before.  It is about a 40 minute drive from where we are from.  It takes forever!  Literally FOREVER!  We left at 5PM and we didn't reach the place until 7:30PM (almost 8PM) and the concert was suppose to start at 7PM.  There was just so much traffic.  It was insane. We were so excited when we finally got there.  :)  I was so excited.

We found some guy selling tickets to the lawn for $80.00/ticket.  My friend said she only wanted to pay $30.00/ticket.  We got the tickets for $40.00/ticket.  We went through the gates and they worked!  We were too excited.  It was just too much fun!

We were really hungry (my friend was more than me), so she went and bought us food.  The only thing available:  popcorn and soda.  I didn't drink the soda because you already know I don't like the taste of soda.  There was lots of alcohol, but apparently, I  was not allowed to drink because if she couldn't drive home, I would have to.  Not just that, she needed me to navigate, so she really needed me sober.  Plus, I was the only one who knew where we parked the car.  She had no clue where the car was at.

The concert itself was OK.  It started at 9PM and ended around 10:30PM. There was just too much silence between each song and it just seem like they didn't really try to built up the energy.

We stayed until the show ended.  Stuck in traffic again, another hour drive to get back home.  I didn't get home until slightly after midnight.  The show was okay, but the adventure was the best part.  Not knowing what we were doing, not knowing directions, if we were gonna get in or not, etc.

Here are some of our pictures.  As you can see, when we were in the car driving, it was still sunlight out.  When we got to the concert, it was pitched black!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Macklemore X Ryan Lewis

For all those who know me, I love music.  Seriously, I can not live without it.  One of my favorite artists right now is Macklemore X Ryan Lewis.

This song:  “Otherside” is the reason I fell in love with him.  The song is beautiful.  It's one of the most "REAL" song I have heard in a while.  His songs just brings me back to a place when I loved listening to Tupac.  It reminds me why I fell in love with rap/hip-hop/R&B as a child.  Please check it out.  These two men have so much talent and they deserve all the popularity/publicity they are getting right now.

Wrecking Ball

I really love this song right now.  It's an actually good song.  The only thing that I don't understand is that people keep complaining that she's naked, yada yada yada.  Whatever!  I like the fact that she was naked on the wrecking ball.  People's reaction is just too over the top.  However, licking the sledge hammer was kinda gross.  But check out the song.  it's a really good song about a failed relationship.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ice Cream

I went out with my friends last night to get some ice cream.  It's a famous place here called Amy's.  Apparently, they make their ice cream fresh every morning.  This is my second time going there but my first time trying the ice cream.  I had a flavor called Mexican Vanilla on a cake cone.  I had a lot of fun eating this, but it was too big for me.  I had to waste some.  Next time I'm only going to get 1 scoop.  :(

Red is my Color!?

I biked to school this week wearing this work out shirt.  A friend saw me and said that RED is definitely my color.  What do you think?  Here are the pictures I took after she said that to me.

Egg Yolk/Olive Oil treatment

Swimming everyday in the pool has pretty much ruined my hair.  So, yesterday, I had some time so I did an egg yolk and olive oil treatment (1 egg yolk : 1 teaspoon olive oil).  My hair was really long so I had to use 5 egg yolks.  DANG!  It does feel a lot better than it did before.  Here is a picture of the treatment process: 30 minutes.  I didn't take a before picture because I was desperate; I forgot to take a picture.

Oh yeah!  These pictures are from yesterday!  These were my "kissable red lips!"  This was my exact makeup yesterday.  I still think they were very kissable, didn't mean to come off as a tease.

Kissable Red Lips

I have been wearing my red lipstick this weekend because ever since I got super tanned, this red looks really great on me.  For some reason, it just never looked this great before.  It must be the skin color change because this is NOT a new lipstick color.  I have had this lipstick for at least 2 years.  I'm only wearing this lipstick because I'm going out.  I don't think I will wear it to school.

Anyways, my friend called me a tease because I told our group of friends that I had "Kissable Red Lips!"  Apparently, I was being a tease because he's a guy and he can't kiss me.  Hmmm, did he want to kiss me?

Here are some pictures of my lips.  :)  Don't they look kissable!  I photoshopped the pictures so that it has more emphasis on my lips.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weight Loss Challenge

Hey!  So, my brother and I have been trying to lose weight because we are overweight.  We have a weight loss challenge going on right now.  My brother is about 10 years younger than me and I seriously believe that he has the upper hand.  Not just that, he is a YOUNG MALE.  However, one thing I do think I have going for me is that I am more disciplined.  I have been doing this a little longer than he has and I have been more consistent in my dieting and exercising.  Plus, I don't drink as much as he does. ;) When we started this a few weeks ago, he was 148 and I was about 150.  I decided that we should make this challenge since both of our goal weight is the same:  135.  Here is an updated photo of our current weight:
My brother's weight is on the left and my weight is on the right.  We are so SO CLOSE!  I really think that this challenge is going to be very interesting.  We are neck to neck in this race and the competition can go either way.  My brother needed some motivation so he decided that we should bet some money on it.  So, winner gets $100.00 (obviously, loser pays).  I will update you soon on our progress. I hope I win because I really don't have any money right now to lose.

On another note:  he physically looks better than me.  I think I need some core exercises to help out with my midsection.  That's where my fat tends to hang out more. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Midnight Swim

We went swimming last night in the pool at my friend's complex.  It was so nice and fun.  Here is a picture of us after our swim.  I will definitely do it again.  My bf didn't go with me, but I hate going with him.  I feel like I always have to force him to go with me and on top of that, he never swims.  He just watches me, which really sucks.  So I went with my friend and we swam for hours.  Such a Blissful feeling.

Game Night/Potluck

After the Brazilian Festival, the night was too early to end, so I went to my friend's house because he was having game night.  It was really fun.  I am really glad I went because I haven't had that much fun in a long time.  It was also a potluck so I brought a pasta salad from Randall's.  The salad isn't bad, but it's really heavy.  It's been a few days and I can only eat spoonfuls at a time because it's so heavy.

Here are the people hanging out, playing games and eating:

Here are some images of the food that different people brought:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Brazilian Festival

I went to the Brazilian Festival yesterday,in celebration of Brazilian Independence Day.  :)  It was so fun.  We got there and ate (like always), watched some performances and then, there was nothing else left to do.  There was a live band and I didn't know how to dance to the music.  Finally, I was able to convince my friend to show me some steps.  It was so fun afterwards.  I was so drenched in sweat!  There is just something about a LIVE band.  The energy, the atmosphere...etc.  Whatever it is, it just makes me want to go dancing.  :)  Here are some pictures:

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weight Loss Update/Red 2

Well, I've been trying to lose weight for over 8 months now and I think I've been doing pretty good.  Here are some pictures to show you how much I have been losing.  I'll try and find some pictures from January to show you how big I was.  This was the outfit I wore last week to watch RED 2.  It was good but not as good as the first one (I'm talking about the movie, not the outfit).  :)  I've lost about 25 pounds - more or less.

Fav Glasses Update

This is what happened to my glasses.  My bf stepped on them and they literally broke in half.  I think he threw the other half away, so this is what's left of them.

Yellow Belt - TKD

Did my Tae Kwon Do yellow belt not too long ago.  Here's the picture.  My bf doesn't like me posting pictures with him it it.  Oh well, there wasn't a picture where he wasn't present.

Friday, September 6, 2013


We claimed Sanctuary in this Catholic Cathedral in New Orleans.  My bf and I spent most of our time in this place.  It was so nice, beautiful and peaceful.  Most importantly, AIR CONDITIONING!

Blue Contact Lens - Creepy?

So I've talked about this before.  I am planning on doing a Korra cosplay, so I bough blue contact lenses.  They are so blue on me that people think it's just creepy looking.  Remember, they are suppose to be super blue (because Korra's eyes are super light).  I've been wearing them regularly sometimes because life happens sometimes.  The first image I actually Photoshopped.  What do you think?  Are they too creepy for everyday wear??  Or maybe the color is just more intense in real-life.  Maybe these images does no justice for how they look like in real life.

Wall of Hats

Here's my wall of hats.  My sis asked me why i have so many hats.  Simple answer:  I just Love them.

Missing my Favorite glasses

I really miss these glasses.  they were my fav.  For those who don't know what happened to my glasses, I will post another picture later so that you will know exactly what happened to them.  Don't I look like a little girl in this picture?  I swear, if I didn't know who I was, I would have thought this was my niece or something.

Another Sock Monkey :)

I made this as a goodbye present for a friend that graduated.  Isn't it cute?  It's also an updated picture of me (taken in August).

These are the glasses I wear almost everyday now.  :(


What do you see when you first look at this?  Please do not take more than 5 seconds.  What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you see this?  Please let me know because apparently, I got it wrong.  Please let me know in the comments.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Naruto shippuden

Naruto shippuden was so awesome.  Set up was perfect.  My favorite line:  "Naruto, the only person you ever kissed was Sasuke."  It was a really good episode.  I just couldn't stop screaming and yelling.  Even my bf was giving me weird looks.

August Thunderstorms

Here are some pictures of the thunderstroms we have been getting here lately.  It's not the best pictures, but it will have to do.  I had to take pictures from inside.

Biking bliss???

This was me yesterday after riding over 21 miles total on my bike.  I may look happy but I was gonna die.  I had to eat dinner twice because I was so low on energy.  I fell asleep with my contacts on and left my food to burn in the oven.  With all that said, it was a really tiring ride.  I am most likely NOT going to go biking today - because it rained today and I'm still super tired from yesterday.

July - First time Horseback riding

It was my first time.  I had a lot of fun.

July for Fireworks

We went to Kemah to see fireworks in July.  It was actually a really pretty place:  a pier!

We went to a Bubba Gump Restaurant.  It was really good.  I had a drink - some kind of alcoholic sweet tea.  It was really good.

Here's me and my drink:

Cafe in Park in New Orleans

This was inside a cafe in the Park in New Orleans.  They had really good food.  We got Gumbo, etouffee, Alligator hot dog (this was my favorite) and some beignets.  It was all so good.  I really loved all of it (the gumbo was OK only). AND I obviously had 2 cups of coffee with milk! (for those who don't know, i'm lactose intolerant.  but it was definitely worth trying)   :).  If I ever go back to New Orleans, I will definitely go back to this place.  I really loved it here.

Here I am packing on the powdered sugar to the beignets.

Here's the Etouffee:

Here's the Gumbo and Gator Dog.

Park in New Orleans

I went to this park in New Orleans not too long ago.  It was really nice.  I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  This was one of the art pieces in the park.

We aren't suppose to touch the artwork.  Oh well.  Didn't mean to.  I feel like Mary Jane from Spiderman.

Oak Alley

We went to this plantation called Oak Alley in Louisiana.  It was beautiful!  :)  I wish I lived there.  If I ever go back to Louisiana, I will definitely visit this place again.

Next time I go to Oak Alley, I'm going to dress up in a Victorian costume.  It will definitely be worth it.  I'm so excited.

Morning coffee

Much needed morning coffee.  So exhausted without it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Lunch Everyday - The things we do for beauty

Flowering Tea

My professor gave me this flowering tea.  It was beautiful but taste like shit.  Here's the flower!

First time doing Archery

Asian Center

This was on the middle floor level :)
I love how it looks like fog is coming from the waters.

Meditation at the Asian Center

It was really nice.  We did regular meditation and some kind of walking meditation.  That was a bit weird, but all in all, it was nice.

Bruise from Archery - ouch

that shit hurt!

Some of my favorite stuff :)


I'm always really busy and i don't have time to keep up with this blog.  I was going to take this blog down but my sister told me not to.  So, instead of me getting rid of this blog, I'm just going to write less.  I am actually a more visual person than anything else.  So, I am just going to post pictures.  It says more words than I ever will anyways.