Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Weight Loss Challenge

Hey!  So, my brother and I have been trying to lose weight because we are overweight.  We have a weight loss challenge going on right now.  My brother is about 10 years younger than me and I seriously believe that he has the upper hand.  Not just that, he is a YOUNG MALE.  However, one thing I do think I have going for me is that I am more disciplined.  I have been doing this a little longer than he has and I have been more consistent in my dieting and exercising.  Plus, I don't drink as much as he does. ;) When we started this a few weeks ago, he was 148 and I was about 150.  I decided that we should make this challenge since both of our goal weight is the same:  135.  Here is an updated photo of our current weight:
My brother's weight is on the left and my weight is on the right.  We are so SO CLOSE!  I really think that this challenge is going to be very interesting.  We are neck to neck in this race and the competition can go either way.  My brother needed some motivation so he decided that we should bet some money on it.  So, winner gets $100.00 (obviously, loser pays).  I will update you soon on our progress. I hope I win because I really don't have any money right now to lose.

On another note:  he physically looks better than me.  I think I need some core exercises to help out with my midsection.  That's where my fat tends to hang out more. 

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