Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Mumford & Sons Concert Adventure

My friend and I went to a Mumford and Sons concert yesterday.  It really was an adventure.  I had so much fun.  First of all, we didn't have tickets to the show.  What's worse, we have never been to this place before.  It is about a 40 minute drive from where we are from.  It takes forever!  Literally FOREVER!  We left at 5PM and we didn't reach the place until 7:30PM (almost 8PM) and the concert was suppose to start at 7PM.  There was just so much traffic.  It was insane. We were so excited when we finally got there.  :)  I was so excited.

We found some guy selling tickets to the lawn for $80.00/ticket.  My friend said she only wanted to pay $30.00/ticket.  We got the tickets for $40.00/ticket.  We went through the gates and they worked!  We were too excited.  It was just too much fun!

We were really hungry (my friend was more than me), so she went and bought us food.  The only thing available:  popcorn and soda.  I didn't drink the soda because you already know I don't like the taste of soda.  There was lots of alcohol, but apparently, I  was not allowed to drink because if she couldn't drive home, I would have to.  Not just that, she needed me to navigate, so she really needed me sober.  Plus, I was the only one who knew where we parked the car.  She had no clue where the car was at.

The concert itself was OK.  It started at 9PM and ended around 10:30PM. There was just too much silence between each song and it just seem like they didn't really try to built up the energy.

We stayed until the show ended.  Stuck in traffic again, another hour drive to get back home.  I didn't get home until slightly after midnight.  The show was okay, but the adventure was the best part.  Not knowing what we were doing, not knowing directions, if we were gonna get in or not, etc.

Here are some of our pictures.  As you can see, when we were in the car driving, it was still sunlight out.  When we got to the concert, it was pitched black!

1 comment:

My Favorite Things said...

I remember a time (remember the trip to Ann Arbor, MI) when you hated not having a plan and didn't care at all about the adventure.