Monday, September 16, 2013

Wrecking Ball

I really love this song right now.  It's an actually good song.  The only thing that I don't understand is that people keep complaining that she's naked, yada yada yada.  Whatever!  I like the fact that she was naked on the wrecking ball.  People's reaction is just too over the top.  However, licking the sledge hammer was kinda gross.  But check out the song.  it's a really good song about a failed relationship.


My Favorite Things said...

I didn't watch the original video, but I listened to the song. It really isn't all that bad. Totally reminds me of someone I use to know.

Unknown said...

I don't think it's about her being naked...I think she's just trying too hard and she reminds me of a 'wanna-be' something that she's not. That's all.

ML Senior.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

The outcry is about miley being a huichi now. But i think she is doing it on purpose to cause a controversy. She wants to be center of attention. She wants people to talk about her performance and that's what's happening, whether they are talking good or bad stuff, they are still talking. At least they are not talking about other things in her life. THey are talking about her performances. She's doing something right to get popular.