Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weight Loss Update/Red 2

Well, I've been trying to lose weight for over 8 months now and I think I've been doing pretty good.  Here are some pictures to show you how much I have been losing.  I'll try and find some pictures from January to show you how big I was.  This was the outfit I wore last week to watch RED 2.  It was good but not as good as the first one (I'm talking about the movie, not the outfit).  :)  I've lost about 25 pounds - more or less.


Miriam said...

You look great!

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Thanks Miriam. I've been working really hard. I still have a few more pounds to shed before I get to my goal weight. But I am very happy with my weight loss so far and it seems like I might be able to keep it off this time. That's the most important part. Thanks again. U look great yourself, if I may add.