Sunday, September 8, 2013

Brazilian Festival

I went to the Brazilian Festival yesterday,in celebration of Brazilian Independence Day.  :)  It was so fun.  We got there and ate (like always), watched some performances and then, there was nothing else left to do.  There was a live band and I didn't know how to dance to the music.  Finally, I was able to convince my friend to show me some steps.  It was so fun afterwards.  I was so drenched in sweat!  There is just something about a LIVE band.  The energy, the atmosphere...etc.  Whatever it is, it just makes me want to go dancing.  :)  Here are some pictures:


My Favorite Things said...

Where are your pictures?

Aplysia Oceanography said...

I have no idea why you can't see them because they are right there. I uploaded them again. Maybe you should check again to see if it came out or not.

My Favorite Things said...

I can see the pictures now. Thank you.