Thursday, June 21, 2012

Conscious Cafe

I went to Conscious Cafe with my BF earlier this month because my BF saw it on the news. Apparently, it is an all-vegetarian restaurant. At first, when we first go there, there was A LOT of construction going on. But that wasn't the worse part! The worse part was that this place is in the sketchiest place in town. I swear! I was scared to leave my car on the side of the street (there was no parking due to the construction, so the only parking available was side street parking). I literally didn't think our car would still be there when we came back from the cafe because it looked that bad.

However, when we walked in, the restaurant was SO SO SO nice! The ambiance was perfect, the music was nice and the place was really clean. Completely the opposite from what we saw outside.

I had the salmon burger and my BF had an eggplant sandwich. I think the food was good. I didn't think it was delicious and it wasn't great. It didn't blow my mind away. I thought the portions were a bit small for its price.

However, we did buy the a bean pie. Now, that was really good! I wouldn't mind eating another piece. Actually, now that I think of it, I think this place is known for its bean pie.

This is a picture of me at the restaurant. They had these cups (the one that I'm holding right now in my hand), which can pass for really big espresso cups, stacked up in the middle of the table and the top cup had coffee beans inside of it. That's actually what I'm holding. I was trying to smell the coffee beans. They didn't have a smell. :(

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