Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lolita Outfit

This is for my sister (sister #1 - NV)who has been asking for pictures! Here is a picture of one of my outfits that I put together. In this picture, I have no makeup on. Only focusing on the outfit.Believe it or not, I just love lolita and Victorian era clothing. I have been fascinated by its style and clothing for a long time. Even though, I have loved this style and type of clothing for a long time, one biggest problem was the prices. There are a few stores online that you can find lolita clothing but they are always so EXPENSIVE! I don't know about most people but I'm kind of a broke Graduate Student on a limited stipend. And these dresses cost anywhere from 200-400 USD for a simple dress. Not even the expensive ones yet, these prices are referring to the cheaper dresses. :(

However, my biggest problem with Lolita on the market these days is that the tops are always SO SMALL! I swear. I am a big-busted gal and I can't find anything that actually fits because most dresses are made for really thin (XS-M) gals. Anyways, I was able to find this website that caters to more beefy gals like me and the prices are a bit more flexible than many sites I have seen.

My BF was taking the picture and he was being extra lazy that night. But here it goes! How does it look? Like it or Hate it??

Date of Picture: 06/19/2012
Camera: The cheapest one my BF can find!

1 comment:

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks for the picture sister. You are way too into this stuff.