Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update Diarrhea / Dinner with Friends

I feel like I've had too many posts in just the last 2 days, but I feel like if I don't, I won't remember what I want to put up or talk about because my mind is just always a mess. Not just that, I feel like i need to make up time anyways, for not writing for so long.

So, today I had lunch with my friends at Chipotle. It was really nice, since I haven't talked to 2 of them for a while now. It was nice. I liked it alot.

After that, I went and had dinner with my friend and his aunts. They were just so nice! I loved them. I hope I get to see them again when they come into town next time.

And then I was ---tripped into going to the Chocolate Bar (an upper scale place that caters to people who just loves chocolate). That was a bit different so I'm not gonna go into it.

However, the reason I am talking about this is because my friend's aunt just had this great analogy about rocks and people. I made my friend take pictures, so when he sends them to me, I will tell you the analogy. It was actually really profound and I just loved it too much.

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