Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Holding Hands

"Holding Hands"
Date Taken: 06/01/2012

My BF and I went to a museum of natural science and this is where I got this really great ring. My BF realized that he didn't like the museum at all or he realized that he didn't like any type of museum at all (apparently, he found out the hard way). At least we didn't have to pay because they have certain days of free admission (this was one of those days).

When my BF and I go out, doesn't matter where, we always hold hands. For some reason, I wanted a picture of us holding hands. So that's what we did, took a picture!


My Favorite Things said...

Are you wearing the ring or is your BF wearing the ring? If you're wearing the ring, you look like you got a "man's hand," especially compared to the other hand. Not hating here, just telling you what the picture looks like.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

My Favorite Things....I do NOT have "Man's hands!" My fingers are just fat and stubby compared to my BF's fingers (who's skinnier than sticks and bones, if that is even possible).