Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Legend of Korra

Legend of Korra is just too awesome. I just love this show right now. I might be going a little bit mad.
I like Korra so much that I will be cosplaying her! I am currently making her costume as we speak (the outfit she is wearing above). I will post pictures as I start finishing certain aspects of the costume.
One thing about Legend of Korra is that they have no filler episodes.  They are only going to have 2 seasons (or 2 books) with the first season having 12 episodes and the second season having 14 episodes.  I really love this concept/idea because there's no BULLSHIT!  However, one problem I find with it is that, since the episodes are so limited and the plot is going by so fast, I feel like they don't give enough time to develop the characters, so the characters won't be as loveable or profound.  I feel like in the Last Airbender, there characters were more developed.  I just feel like this lose this aspect.  I mean, when Chief Lin Beifong  <> lost her powers, I almost cried.  ALMOST.  And that's kind of my point.  I mean, they didn't spend enough time and episodes on each individual character to make them important to the viewers.  Just imagine, if it was Toph Beifong instead of Chief Lin Beifong, I would have cried for sure! 

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