Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hot Chili Peppers

I am almost out of chili peppers.  I am currently on my last bag right now. 
Last year, when my BF and I came to Houston, we bought some peppers and we were very dissapointed.   The peppers were not spicy at all and we were really sad.  So, I went home to California, I got some from my parent's farm.  It has already been a whole year!  We are almost out if it.  I haive a friend from Oregon that is happy to send me some from his family's farm.  I am a bit excited to taste his peppers.  We'll see if it ever comes through because everyone is SOOO busy!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Victorian Remake Tank

 I got this tank top from my friend because she didn't want it anymore.  The tank top is from Old Navy and the only reason I decided to keep the tank was because of the pleats on the sides of the tank.  I just love pleats, but they are very harsh on my body type.   

However, I never wore it very much, especially since I moved here (to my new place, which was almost a year ago). Well, I decided that this tank top can also be victorian-ish, due to the pleats and I can always wear it as an undershirt when I have too much cleavage showing.  I decided to change the buttons to make it look a little bit more romantic and girlish.   Here is how it originally looks like with black buttons running down the middle. 

I went with my BF to Wal-Mart to buy some stuff and I stumbled upon these buttons!  They totally added to
the effect I wanted and they were only 78 cents!  Isn't that just awesome!  I finally had some time this morning and I hand sewed all the buttons onto the tank top.  Sewing doesn't take long, 1 hour max.

 Here is how the finished product looks like with its new white buttons.  I am really glad with the outcome of the final product.  The buttons were a bit snugged to get through the hole, but they fit just right.  I decided not to add anymore stuff onto the shirt/tank because I feel that there is a lot of stuff going on already.  I didn't want it to become an over-kill.  Well, tell me what you think. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Dress

I just received a new dress today and I'm so excited! So excited that I had to take a picture of it! So I decided that I would wear makeup and get my hair done.  Please excuse me for the quality of these pictures.  I was home alone again and I had to take these pictures myself.  

Here is the first picture:
 This is just a shot of face so that you can see my makeup and my hair.  The sun is starting to set through the windows of my apartment (facing west), so I couldn't take pictures outside or directly towards in the sun.  Direct sunlight on faces always sucks in photographs.

To tell you the truth, I was a bit lazy so I only teased and curled a little portion of my hair in the front and tied everything back.  I feel like if I never told you, you wouldn't know (unless you saw it yourself in person).

The makeup isn't quite a lolita/dolly look.  I didn't want to take too much time doing my makeup because I was a bit lazy.   So I did my makeup the fastest I could, but taking into consideration, not looking like a complete idiot.  So I just tried doing a very natural look with heavy lashes.  :)  False lashes are so fun to work with (now that I've gotten better putting them on).

You have to excuse my apartment for the time being.  It's a bit messy  (really messy) because my BF hasn't been cleaning lately.  I think he went on strike because he got a bit lazy.  And also, my place is a bit ghetto looking.  My BF is a true ASIAN BF so, he keeps a lot of clutter around the house and doesn't seem to like to throw away cardboard boxes.  Well, I guess it wasn't such a bad choice after all because we are going to be moving soon, so we are going to be needing all the boxes we can get our hands on.

The next 2 images focuses on my dress:
 The dress just got in earlier today.  I bought this dress on ebay from the seller:  geechlark.  You can check out her website:   geechlark.com.  She makes and hand sews all the clothes that she sells.  You can tell because there are thread lines here and there but they aren't too noticeable.  I don't know what it is, but it just gives you that home-made feeling to it, which is quite nice.  Also, I think she caters to more heavier ladies.  THANK YOU!  The only reason I got this dress is because it was the smallest one that she had for sale at the moment.  There was another one that looks like this one but it's purple and I really like it.  But it's a bit too big.  Apparently, she doesn't do custom sizes anymore.  So I can't just request a smaller dress. 

A few things I would like to say about the dress is that it's really big.  It's even big on me, even though I knew this before I bought it.  This isn't necessarily a good or bad thing.  It's  good because the dress can actually fit all of my bust.  It's a bad thing because it doesn't fit my figure very well.  So I had to wear a real corset under the dress and over-tie the small corset part in the front. So, I'm really happy at how it came out.

One thing I can't ignore is that there is no zipper on this dress but she does states this on her description.    So I had to wear the whole dress over my head, if that makes any sense to you (pullover dress).  I guess I just wanted mores space.  But other than that, the skirt is really full with lots of lace!  I always want everything to be fuller so I added a petticoat under the dress to be even fuller. 

Overall, I'm really happy with my new dress.  I can't wait for my other clothes to come so I can post more pictures and entries. I still have a few more dresses that are coming from all over!

I wonder how much my sister will freak when she sees all of these dresses I bought so far.  She seems to think that I am too into this kind of stuff, which I agree.  But as long as it doesn't take over my life, I should be fine. There is a limit to everything and I haven't reached that limit yet.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update Diarrhea / Dinner with Friends

I feel like I've had too many posts in just the last 2 days, but I feel like if I don't, I won't remember what I want to put up or talk about because my mind is just always a mess. Not just that, I feel like i need to make up time anyways, for not writing for so long.

So, today I had lunch with my friends at Chipotle. It was really nice, since I haven't talked to 2 of them for a while now. It was nice. I liked it alot.

After that, I went and had dinner with my friend and his aunts. They were just so nice! I loved them. I hope I get to see them again when they come into town next time.

And then I was ---tripped into going to the Chocolate Bar (an upper scale place that caters to people who just loves chocolate). That was a bit different so I'm not gonna go into it.

However, the reason I am talking about this is because my friend's aunt just had this great analogy about rocks and people. I made my friend take pictures, so when he sends them to me, I will tell you the analogy. It was actually really profound and I just loved it too much.

Retro Hybrid

Picture taken: 06/10/2012

This was a retro look I was trying out. You obviously can not see that because I didn’t take a picture of the dress I was wearing, which was a 1950’s inspired dress that I bought from the Bettie Page store (Clothing Line: Tatyana) in Las Vegas when I was visiting during Memorial weekend 2011. I forgot to take a picture of me wearing the dress because I was focusing on my makeup. So below this, I will post a picture of the dress, which is just a picture I found on the internet.

The reason why I said that it was a hybrid is because the dress is very retro but the makeup is NOT. I decided not to do a 1950's pin up makeup that night because I wanted to work more on my dolly look. I wanted to practice more on drawing fake eyelashes on my bottom lashes. They may look easy but they aren't! It took me a while to find a technique that worked for me.

Oh, the HAIR! I wanted a retro look but not something extreme that would take a long time, especially no TEASING! I just didn't feel I had enough time to be doing too much since I had spent so much time on my makeup already. I thought it came out quite well! I was quite excited about the look. :)

Here is a picture of the dress:

White Nails

I am just loving this white nail polish right now! I've actually had it for a long time now, but never seemed to have the time to wear it. Well, I finally have been able to and it's awesome! I am wearing the Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme wear in the color White On. Personally, this is not my favorite brand. My favorite brand is Nicole by OPI. I like Nicole because not only is it a great nail polish that drys fast, it can easily be found. Technically, you can go to any drug store and easily find them. I love how accessible they are. However, Nicole did NOT have a color in white. So I had to opt for another brand that did.

The image here showcases my finger nails with the white nail polish and my toes in black nail polish (Nicole by OPI; Color: Razzle Dazzle)

Conscious Cafe

I went to Conscious Cafe with my BF earlier this month because my BF saw it on the news. Apparently, it is an all-vegetarian restaurant. At first, when we first go there, there was A LOT of construction going on. But that wasn't the worse part! The worse part was that this place is in the sketchiest place in town. I swear! I was scared to leave my car on the side of the street (there was no parking due to the construction, so the only parking available was side street parking). I literally didn't think our car would still be there when we came back from the cafe because it looked that bad.

However, when we walked in, the restaurant was SO SO SO nice! The ambiance was perfect, the music was nice and the place was really clean. Completely the opposite from what we saw outside.

I had the salmon burger and my BF had an eggplant sandwich. I think the food was good. I didn't think it was delicious and it wasn't great. It didn't blow my mind away. I thought the portions were a bit small for its price.

However, we did buy the a bean pie. Now, that was really good! I wouldn't mind eating another piece. Actually, now that I think of it, I think this place is known for its bean pie.

This is a picture of me at the restaurant. They had these cups (the one that I'm holding right now in my hand), which can pass for really big espresso cups, stacked up in the middle of the table and the top cup had coffee beans inside of it. That's actually what I'm holding. I was trying to smell the coffee beans. They didn't have a smell. :(

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lolita / Update

Here is another outfit! This outfit is more of a gothic lolita look. Again, no makeup. Focusing on the outfit and not my face. I feel like I am more of a modern or classic lolita type of gal. Truthfully, I don't really like the straight up lolita look. Maybe I can't pass it off because of my upper body problem. But not just that, I don't like the TOO MUCH accessories. Some people I see just has too much accessories (which I like to call an "accessory whore"). I only like a few pieces of accessories. Sometimes, I barely have accessories.

Plus, I really don't like the shoes. I don't know why but I just don't think they are pretty at all. Maybe I just don't like the clunky platforms, which most of lolita shoes are made of. One thing I really want and need right now is a lolita wig. I want it to be long, curly and light brown with bangs. I was thinking about getting a blonde one, but I think it might washout my skin color too much because I'm not light- skinned enough, plus I've been tanning a bit too much. Summer is already here!

I just have to apologized for this pictures. I was home alone and I had to take this picture by myself. It didn't come out as well as I wanted it to but it will do for now.

NV! This is gonna be my favorite pose! :) It makes me SO happy.

Also, it's been too long that I haven't post in here. Will have more things to write about in the near future.

Holding Hands

"Holding Hands"
Date Taken: 06/01/2012

My BF and I went to a museum of natural science and this is where I got this really great ring. My BF realized that he didn't like the museum at all or he realized that he didn't like any type of museum at all (apparently, he found out the hard way). At least we didn't have to pay because they have certain days of free admission (this was one of those days).

When my BF and I go out, doesn't matter where, we always hold hands. For some reason, I wanted a picture of us holding hands. So that's what we did, took a picture!

Circle Lens

I just bought 2 circle lens from Pinky Paradise. I am still waiting for them to come because they are coming from overseas. I'm so excited! I have been waiting too long. My first pair that I bought was from another website and I accidentally sent it to my parent's place. What a BIG mistake! Now it's just a lost cause because they never check the mail and if they do, they never keep anything. Things just go missing like magic. I bugged my brother for FOREVER. He kept telling me he'll call me back everytime I tell bother him. But for some reason, he just never calls me back.

Once they come in, I will take pictures with them on and update my blog. I just can't wait!

The blue pair is for my Korra cosplay! :) I wasn't kidding about the whole Korra cosplay!

However, here is the specs for the first pair or circle lens that I bought: G&G King Size Circle Black;
Diameter: 14.5mm;
Water Content: 38%;
Base Curve: 8.6mm;
Type: 1 year disposal.

Here is the specs for the second pair.

G&G Shinny Aqua (known as Puffy 3 tone);
Diameter: 14.5mm;
Water Content: 38%;
Base Curve: 8.6mm;
Type: 1 year disposal

Korra Costume

Here is the first thing that I have been doing. I am attempting to make her tattoo on her arm upper right arm. I just made it out of felt because I don't have a sewing machine with me. I kinda messed up the dimensions so I need to recut, but here is how it looks so far. Not bad for an amateur, huh?

Legend of Korra

Legend of Korra is just too awesome. I just love this show right now. I might be going a little bit mad.
I like Korra so much that I will be cosplaying her! I am currently making her costume as we speak (the outfit she is wearing above). I will post pictures as I start finishing certain aspects of the costume.
One thing about Legend of Korra is that they have no filler episodes.  They are only going to have 2 seasons (or 2 books) with the first season having 12 episodes and the second season having 14 episodes.  I really love this concept/idea because there's no BULLSHIT!  However, one problem I find with it is that, since the episodes are so limited and the plot is going by so fast, I feel like they don't give enough time to develop the characters, so the characters won't be as loveable or profound.  I feel like in the Last Airbender, there characters were more developed.  I just feel like this lose this aspect.  I mean, when Chief Lin Beifong  <> lost her powers, I almost cried.  ALMOST.  And that's kind of my point.  I mean, they didn't spend enough time and episodes on each individual character to make them important to the viewers.  Just imagine, if it was Toph Beifong instead of Chief Lin Beifong, I would have cried for sure! 

Lolita Outfit

This is for my sister (sister #1 - NV)who has been asking for pictures! Here is a picture of one of my outfits that I put together. In this picture, I have no makeup on. Only focusing on the outfit.Believe it or not, I just love lolita and Victorian era clothing. I have been fascinated by its style and clothing for a long time. Even though, I have loved this style and type of clothing for a long time, one biggest problem was the prices. There are a few stores online that you can find lolita clothing but they are always so EXPENSIVE! I don't know about most people but I'm kind of a broke Graduate Student on a limited stipend. And these dresses cost anywhere from 200-400 USD for a simple dress. Not even the expensive ones yet, these prices are referring to the cheaper dresses. :(

However, my biggest problem with Lolita on the market these days is that the tops are always SO SMALL! I swear. I am a big-busted gal and I can't find anything that actually fits because most dresses are made for really thin (XS-M) gals. Anyways, I was able to find this website that caters to more beefy gals like me and the prices are a bit more flexible than many sites I have seen.

My BF was taking the picture and he was being extra lazy that night. But here it goes! How does it look? Like it or Hate it??

Date of Picture: 06/19/2012
Camera: The cheapest one my BF can find!